Conference Day One

7:30 am Registration & Networking

8:30 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Client Relationships

8:40 am Case Study: Overcoming Cultural Barriers With Overseas Clients to Facilitate Mutual Understanding Over Compliance Issues

  • Abdul El Baba Vice President - Advanced Technology, Gray Construction


  • Highlighting differences in work culture and processes, such as working hours and project management practices, to set realistic expectations and avoid project delays
  • Effectively explaining the complex U.S. regulatory environment, including local, state and federal involvement, to prevent misunderstandings and compliance issues
  • Implementing translation services and clear communication protocols to bridge the language barriers and ensure all stakeholders are on the same page

9:20 am Investigating How Owners Can Better Work With Contractors to Manage Work Coming Down the Line


  • Examining how early notification of upcoming projects from owners provides contractors the ability to position themselves strategically and to better understand the project’s scope
  • Establishing robust communication channels between owners and contractors, facilitating early and frequent updates about potential projects
  • Harnessing strong relationships with other project stakeholders to gain entry into new projects

10:00 am Mapping Out the Journey from Pilot Plant to Gigafactory Production to Help You Expedite the Delivery of Your Project


  • Investigating the extent to which many organizations struggle to transition their technology from pilot plant production to a Gigafactory
  • Evaluating how, in order to successfully scale-up, it is vital to understand the process, plan for inevitable challenges, and strategically position your company for future growth
  • Uncovering how being proactive can prepare your company to transition swiftly and efficiently to meet market demands while keeping costs and schedules in check

10:40 am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking

11:20 am Optimizing Site Selection to Increase Facility Quality


  • Involving key stakeholders, such as brokers and economic development agencies, early in the site selection process
  • Assessing the availability and capacity of essential utilities at potential sites, making sure that the location can support the project’s operational needs
  • Establishing comprehensive site selection criteria that consider both current needs and future demands, ensuring that each project is set up for success from the onset and can adapt to evolving requirements

Stakeholder Collaboration

12:00 pm Working More Effectively With Vast Numbers of Multi-Disciplinary Stakeholders to Enhance Coordination


  • Bringing together the relevant owner, design and construction teams from the onset of the project to ensure alignment and cohesion
  • Finding and selecting partners with complementary expertise, ensuring a balanced and capable team for large-scale projects
  • Engaging with commercial real estate developers early in the process, particularly in regions where they control significant land, to streamline project planning and execution

12:40 pm Networking Lunch

1:40 pm Fireside Chat: Exploring How Onboarding Contractors Early Can Equip You With a Better Project Timeline

  • Keith Churchill Chief Innovation Officer, Bechtel Equipment Operations Inc


  • Dismantling traditional contracting methodologies that hinder early contractor involvement
  • Investigating the benefits of and strategies for project kickoffs that emphasize early contractor engagement and design collaboration
  • Gaining insights into contractors’ challenges and decision-making processes to better determine project timelines and expectations

Streamlining the Design Process

2:20 pm Investigating How Collaborative Design Processes Reduce Misalignment Among Stakeholders

  • Mark Kleinsteuber Principal & Project Director, Page Southerland Page, Inc.
  • Rachel Romero Market Sector Manager - Advanced Manufacturing, Page Southerland Page, Inc.


  • Establishing clear channels of communication at project initiation to ensure that all stakeholders understand their roles, responsibilities and the overall design objectives
  • Encouraging open and realistic discussions among all trades to determine feasible design solutions, enhancing coordination and preventing misunderstandings
  • Implementing advanced modeling technologies to explore design iterations and how this impacts costs, aiding in quick decision making and transparency

3:00 pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

3:40 pm Audience Discussion: Working With Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) to Streamline Construction


  • Collaborating with AHJs to navigate the challenges posed by outdated codes that have not yet adapted to new technologies
  • Addressing thermal runaway issues and the limitations of current fire suppression systems, developing strategies that satisfy safety requirements and regulatory standards
  • Establishing clear and open lines of communication with AHJs from the onset of the project, fostering a collaborative environment that allows for efficient resolution of issues and faster project progression

4:20 pm Exploring the Almost Inevitable Issue of Design Changes Mid Project to Mitigate Project Delays & Unexpected Costs

  • John Raimondo Vice President - Advanced Manufacturing, Wolverine Building Group


  • Establishing a system for real-time updates and communication to handle ongoing design changes, ensuring all teams are aware of modifications as they happen
  • Maintaining close coordination between design and construction teams to address rework promptly, reducing delays caused by incomplete designs
  • Creating detailed contingency plans to manage potential rework and unforeseen issues arising from ongoing design changes, ensuring continuous project cost control

5:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

5:10 pm End of Conference Day One